Sunday, June 08, 2014

Running Journal 19

Conversation was more intense than usual at Church of Java this morning, probably a result of sharing a table with Mike, which Theresa and Kathy sat at the table by the windows. Consequently I didn't get much reading done until after the real, official church service at Church of the Master, where Todd will be present for another couple of weeks. The intermittent rain gave me an excuse to keep reading for a while before heading home to take care of a batch of rising bread dough.

I think the drizzle affected my mood, and since I couldn't weed the garden or mow the lawn, I made soup, took a nap, and swept the den. By the time the bread was in the oven, I was ready for a short run, but my calf muscles were not cooperating, so I stopped at about two mile and went for a swim. Not a great day.

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